Sunday, October 30, 2016

These tropical super- foods have many health benefits which help you in the fight against various diseases. Moreover, it is rich in numerous nutrients, including sucrose, fructose, glucose and fibre. Therefore, banana acts as powerful natural energy booster.
Namely, a study discovered that two bananas can supply you with enough energy for a 90-minute strenuous exercise. This is the reason why banana it is the favourite fruit of numerous leading athletes.
In addition, when compared to an apple, banana contains:
  • Three times the phosphorus
  • Twice the carbohydrate
  • Five times the vitamin A and iron
  • Four times the protein
  • Twice the other vitamins and minerals.
This article will also give a review of the most important benefits of the consumption of bananas:

Bananas are used as natural remedies for intestinal issues, mostly due to the smoothness and soft texture. It has the ability to coat the lining of the stomach and therefore reduces irritation and over-acidity.
Due to its high iron levels, regular consumption of bananas can help you fight anaemia. Iron stimulates the production of red blood cells and therefore it increases haemoglobin levels in the blood.

Bananas are rich source of vitamin B6 which has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and improve your mood.
Blood Pressure
Banana is rich in potassium and low in sodium, which makes it perfect for healthy blood pressure. Namely,the US Food and Drug Administration has confirmed the fruit`s ability to lower blood pressure and protect from stroke.
Temperature Control
Due to their natural cooling effect, in Thailand and many other cultures around the world, bananas are used to lower the temperature in future mothers.
Bananas contain natural antacid properties which can help you with heartburn. You will need only one banana to soothe your heartburn symptoms in an instant!
Bananas are rich in tryptophan which is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps you relax, boost your mood and can help you overcome depression. According to a study conducted by MIND, many people who suffer from depression experienced significant improvement after eating bananas.
Bananas stimulate regular bowel movements and relieve constipation, due to the high fiber levels they contain.

These favorable fruits are abundant in B vitamins, which are able to calm and relax the nervous system.
Interestingly, studies conducted on the Institute of Psychology in Austria examined 5,000 hospital patients and concluded that obesity generally occurred in people with high-pressure jobs. The researchers recommend consuming one banana every two hours in order to control blood sugar levels and avoid food cravings while at work.
Morning Sickness
Prevent morning sickness by eating a banana as a snack, for it will maintain your blood sugars normal.
Bananas can be of great help in case of hangovers, especially if mixed with honey and milk. Prepare a banana milkshake with honey to quickly get rid of your hangover. Honey will increase the lowered blood sugar levels, milk will rehydrate and refresh your body and bananas will soothe your stomach.
Mosquito Bites
Bananas are useful in cases of mosquito bites as well. You should take the inside of a banana skin and rub it into the affected area. This will quickly reduce swelling and irritation.
Brain Power
The consumption of bananas boosts brain power due to their high potassium levels, as found in a study conducted on 200 students at a Twickenham school, England. The participants consumed bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch and the results showed that this fruit improved their learning abilities and helped through their exams.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

There are many people that have never smoked a cigarette and still have lung problems, while others have been smoking for 40 years and their lungs are perfectly fine. It all depends from the person’s organism. In this article we are going to present you some advices on how to cleanse your lungs in 72hours.

The first thing you have to do is to get rid of all of the dairy products from your diet, In order for your body to get rid of the diary products’ toxins.

  • In the first day of purification, you need to drink a cup of herb tea before bedtime. It will release all of the toxins that cause constipation in the intestine. During the purification, you must not overload your lungs or any other part of the body with difficult work. 
  • Before breakfast squeeze 2 lemons in 300 ml of water. 
  • Consume 300 ml of grapefruit juice. If you do not like the taste, feel free to replace it with pineapple juice. Both of these juices contain natural antioxidants that improve the breathing systems. 
  • Between breakfast and lunch you have to drink 300 ml of carrot juice. This juice will help you alkalize your blood during the 72-hour cleaning. 
  • During lunch time drink 400 ml of juice rich in potassium. Potassium acts as a great cleansing tonic. Make 400 ml of cranberry juice before going to bed, which will help you in the fight against bacteria that can cause infections in the lungs.
Body care and exercises 
  • You can lose many toxins through a daily 20-minute hot bath. 
  • In a bowl of hot water put 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus. Place your head over the bowl and cover yourself with a towel. Inhale the steam until the water cools off.

Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious.

They contain several essential nutrients and have benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss.
Aside from being very nutritious, they are a highly convenient snack food.
Here are 11 health benefits of bananas that are supported by scientific research.

1. Bananas Contain Many Important Nutrients

Bananas are among the most popular fruits on Earth.
Native to Southeast Asia, they are now grown in many warmer parts of the world.
There are many types of bananas available, which vary in color, size and shape. The most common type is the yellow banana, which is green when unripe.
Bananas contain a fair amount of fiber, as well as several antioxidants. One medium-sized banana (118 grams) also contains:
  • Potassium: 9 percent of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B6: 33 percent of the RDI.
  • Vitamin C: 11 percent of the RDI.
  • Magnesium: 8 percent of the RDI.
  • Copper: 10 percent of the RDI.
  • Manganese: 14 percent of the RDI.
  • Net carbs: 24 grams.
  • Fiber: 3.1 grams.
  • Protein: 1.3 grams.
  • Fat: 0.4 grams.
Each banana contains only about 105 calories and consists almost exclusively of water and carbs. Bananas contain very little protein and almost no fat.
The carbs in unripe (green) bananas consist mostly of starch and resistant starch, but as the banana ripens, the starch turns into sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose).
Bottom Line: Bananas are rich in fiber, antioxidants and several nutrients. A medium-sized banana contains about 105 calories.

2. Bananas Contain Nutrients That Moderate Blood Sugar Levels

Bananas are rich in a fiber called pectin, which gives the flesh its structural form.
Unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which acts like soluble fiber and escapes digestion.
Both pectin and resistant starch may moderate blood sugar levels after meals and reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying.
Furthermore, bananas also rank low to medium on the glycemic index, which is a measure (from 0–100) of how quickly foods increase blood sugar levels.
The glycemic value of unripe bananas is about 30, while ripe bananas rank at about 60. The average value of all bananas is 51.
This means that bananas should not cause major spikes in blood sugar levels in healthy individuals.
However, this may not apply to diabetics, which should probably avoid eating lots of well-ripened bananas and monitor their blood sugars carefully when they do.
Bottom Line: Bananas contain nutrients that can help moderate blood sugar levels after meals. They may also reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying.

3. Bananas May Improve Digestive Health

Dietary fiber has been linked to many health benefits, including improved digestion.
A medium-sized banana contains about 3 grams of fiber, making bananas a fairly good fiber source.
Bananas contain mainly two types of fiber:
  • Pectin: Decreases as the banana ripens.
  • Resistant starch: Found in unripe bananas.
Resistant starch escapes digestion and ends up in our large intestine, where it becomes food for the beneficial gut bacteria.
Additionally, some cell studies propose that pectin may help protect against colon cancer.
Bottom Line: Bananas are fairly rich in fibre and resistant starch, which may feed the friendly gut bacteria and help protect against colon cancer.

4. Bananas May Help With Weight Loss

No study has directly tested the effects of bananas on weight loss. However, bananas do have several features that should make them a weight loss friendly food.
For starters, bananas contain relatively few calories. An average banana contains just over 100 calories, yet it is also very nutritious and filling.
They are also rich in fibre. Eating more fibre from fruit and vegetables has repeatedly been linked with lower body weight and weight loss.
Furthermore, unripe bananas are packed with resistant starch, so they tend to be very filling and may reduce your appetite.
Bottom Line: Bananas may help with weight loss. They are low in calories, high in nutrients and fiber and may have appetite-reducing effects.

5. Bananas May Support Heart Health

Potassium is a mineral that is essential for heart health, especially blood pressure control.
Yet despite its importance, most people are not getting enough potassium in their diet.
Bananas are a great dietary source of potassium. One medium-sized banana (118 grams) contains 9 percent of the RDI.
A potassium-rich diet can help lower blood pressure and people who eat plenty of potassium have up to a 27 percent lower risk of heart disease.
Furthermore, bananas contain a decent amount of magnesium, which is also important for heart health.
Bottom Line: Bananas are a good dietary source of potassium and magnesium, two nutrients that are essential for heart health.

6. Bananas Contain Powerful Antioxidants

Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of dietary antioxidants and bananas are no exception.
They contain several types of potent antioxidants, including dopamine and catechins.
These antioxidants have been linked to many health benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease and degenerative diseases.
However, it is a common misunderstanding that the dopamine from bananas acts as a feel-good chemical in the brain.
In reality, dopamine from bananas does not cross the blood-brain barrier. It simply acts as a strong antioxidant instead of altering hormones or mood.
Bottom Line: Bananas are high in several antioxidants, which may help reduce damage from free radicals and lower the risk of some diseases.

7. Bananas May Help You Feel More Full

Resistant starch is a type of indigestible carbohydrate found in unripe bananas, which functions sort of like soluble fiber in the body.
As a rule of thumb, you can estimate that the greener the banana is, the higher the amount of resistant starch it contains.
On the other hand, ripe (yellow) bananas contain lower amounts of resistant starch and total fiber, but proportionally higher amounts of soluble fiber.
Both pectin and resistant starch have been shown to have appetite-reducing effects and increase the feeling of fullness after meals.
Bottom Line: Bananas contain high amounts of resistant starch or pectin, depending on ripeness. Both may reduce appetite and help keep you full.

8. Unripe Bananas May Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance is a major risk factor for many of the world’s most serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes.
Several studies have shown that 15–30 grams of resistant starch per day may improve insulin sensitivity by 33–50 percent, in as little as 4 weeks.
Unripe bananas are a great source of resistant starch and may therefore help improve insulin sensitivity.
However, the reason for these effects is not well understood and not all studies agree on the matter.
Bottom Line: Unripe bananas are a good source of resistant starch, which may improve insulin sensitivity. However, more research is needed.

9. Bananas May Improve Kidney Health

Potassium is essential for blood pressure control and healthy kidney function.
As a good dietary source of potassium, bananas may be especially beneficial for maintaining healthy kidneys.
One study in women showed that over 13 years, those who ate bananas 2–3 times per week were 33 percent less likely to develop kidney disease.
Other studies have found that those who eat bananas 4–6 times a week are almost 50 percent less likely to develop kidney disease, compared to people who don’t eat bananas.
Bottom Line: Eating a banana several times a week may reduce the risk of kidney disease by up to 50 percent.

10. Bananas May Have Benefits for Exercise

Bananas are often referred to as the perfect food for athletes, largely due to their mineral content and easily digested carbs.
Eating bananas may help reduce exercise-related muscle cramps and soreness, which affect up to 95 percent of the general population.
The reason for the cramps is basically unknown, but a popular theory blames a mixture of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
However, studies have provided mixed findings about bananas and muscle cramps. Some find them helpful, while others find no effects.
That being said, bananas have been shown to provide excellent nutrition before, during and after endurance exercise.
Bottom Line: Bananas may help relieve muscle cramps caused by exercise. They also provide excellent fuel for endurance exercise.
Source :-

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

It is widely known that Indian women have the best hair in the world. But, what’s their secret? Is it the genetics or something else?

Please Subscribe to our channel for more INTERESTING Video.

Now we reveal their secret – it is Bacopa monnieri, or Brahmi. It is a wonderful mixture that works magically for the hair, boosts its density and its growth.
This Brahmi oil is found in every pharmacy. Mixed with coconut oil, it makes wonders for your hair. It is a very simple and very efficient hair care. It is applied before washing.
The Brahmi oil is beneficial for your hair in more ways: it increases the speed of your hair growth, it nurtures the hair roots and it reduces shedding of the hair, and it does that in just a couple of weeks. It brings back the lost shine of the hair and prevents blooming of the hair ends. By moisturizing the scalp, it also prevents appearing of dandruff.
This is the great ancient Indian secret that makes your hair wonderful. Now that you have found it out, you don’t have to spend money on expensive cosmetic treatments, you just need to prepare the mixture and utilize its benefits.
Now we know why Indian women have the best hair in the world, and if we had wondered what their secret is, we can now stop asking that question, because the answer is – Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi.
It isn’t the genes, or anything else. This is what makes their hair so beautiful, because it influences both its density and its growth.
Just regularly use this mixture of Brahmi oil and coconut oil, and you will be astonished by the results.  It is very simple and very effective. Every washing of your hair should be preceded by this process.
If you do that, don’t be surprised when your hair becomes shiny and thick again. It will also grow so fast, free of dandruff and blooming ends.
Don’t hesitate to try the method that has been used by so many women so much time and constantly gives remarkable results. Enjoy in your healthy and beautiful hair.
Don’t Forget To Share With Your Friends And Family On Facebook, As You Might Help Someone In Need!

Eternal youth and beauty is every woman’s desire and we’re ready to do anything we can in an effort to maintain it for as long as we can. Beautiful, firm and perky breasts are among the top priorities of women, but unfortunately they’re the first to suffer the signs of aging.
Breast lose their firmness as a result of many factors including pregnancy, menopause, unhealthy diet, rapid weight gain or weight loss, excessive tanning, unsuitable bras, cigarettes, alcohol, and many more. When it comes to pregnancy, it’s NOT breastfeeding that makes breasts droop, but it’s the weight gain. If only there was some magical recipe which can prevent our “best friends” from sagging and keep them firm and perky forever?

Believe it or not, there are plenty of methods which can help you prevent sagging breasts and make them perfectly perky. We’re offering you here the best of them all, a completely natural recipe with no unwanted side-effect and visible results after one week. The recipe is really simple and easy to make and women who’ve used it praise it for its effectiveness and fast results. Here’s the recipe:
  • 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E (or one capsule)
  • 1 teaspoon of copper
  • 1 egg white
In a small bowl mix all the ingredients until you get a homogenous mixture. Apply it on your breasts and massage them gently 3-5 minutes. After the mixture has absorbed put on an old bra (no underwire), make sure you’re comfortable so that you can wear this bra for 30-40 minutes minimum. Rinse with lukewarm water afterwards. Repeat the process every day for a week and you’ll notice results in just 7 days.
Important notice:
  • Always prepare a fresh mixture before every application.
  • There’s no time limits for the application of this treatment. You can use it for as long as you want.
  • Breastfeeding women shouldn’t use this treatment and it’s not recommended for pregnant women as well.
Source  :-


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Coconut Oil And Lemon Mixture: It Turns Gray Hair Back To Its Natural Color

Please Subscribe to our channel for more INTERESTING Healthy Video.

The color of your hair depends on the pigment cells that are located at the base of each hair follicle. With age, these pigment cells die and their efficiency reduces. When the body stops producing pigments, hair starts becoming colourless, turning white. However, you can prevent gray hair by nourishing your scalp and protecting the base of your hair follicles. If your base and pigment cells are healthier, then you’ll be able to avoid gray hair much longer.

Gray hair can be caused by many factors, such as:
  • hormonal imbalance
  • hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
  • nutritional deficiency
  • malnutrition
  • genetic disorders
  • using electric dryers and concentrated hair dyes
  • chemotherapy
  • radiation
Hair dyes are useful for coloring your gray hair, but they’re abundant in chemical substances and they can damage your hair. Therefore, the best solution is to use all-natural products!
Luckily, there is a homemade natural solution which will make your hair look great. All you need to make the best remedy is coconut oil and lemon juice!


Coconut oil contains anti-microbial properties, lauric acid, and medium-chain fatty acids. These properties strengthen the hair, condition the scalp, and help to regrow hair. Moreover, it reduces protein loss and when used for a prolonged time, it also helps reverse gray hair because it is packed with antioxidants.
On the other hand, lemon juice also prevents white hair. It contains good amounts of vitamin B & C, and phosphorus, which nourishes the hair and treats the cause of gray hair.


  • 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice
  • 50 ml. of organic coconut oil
  1. Mix three teaspoons of lemon juice with some coconut oil.
  2. Then, apply this mixture on your hair and massage it into your scalp.
  3. Leave it on for at least an hour.
  4. Wash it out and then shampoo your hair..
Repeat this process every week and you will be amazed by the results!

Source :-

Friday, October 21, 2016

Hello, And Welcome. Would you like to lose weight in a less budget.? Here are the Some Quick and Cheapest recipes for you. Please try these recipes for better and fast results. The perception that thin people are healthy people could not be further from the truth; though in contrast fat people are really mostly unhealthy people are quite true. Therefore in order to be healthy and stay healthy one should really concentrate on the nutritional value of the foods being consumed rather than the amounts. Better your health here.

Simple Weight Loss Recipes.

How Black Beans Help And A Black Bean Recipe 


As more and more people become aware of this particular food called the black bean the interest in it has also become heightened. Originating from Mexico and very much a part of the South American diet, these black beans have been proven to be quite a nutritionally pack food group indeed. Today it is popularly found in most restaurants and homes in various forms such as salads, staples and other delicious dishes.

Black Beans

The black beans consists of high protein and fibre contents and is considered very nourishing as both these essential elements are present within one food item. Fibre and proteins are considered very important to the wholesome function of a healthy body. Besides this it also has flavonoid anti oxidants content which assist the body avoid oxygen-related damage. Black beans also consists of omega 3 fatty acids and has a high nutritional value. 

Black beans are also very easy to incorporate into most meals as it has a basic flavour of rich smokiness, which gives added character to any dish. The velvet texture, shape and colour hold well during cooking and makes for a very interesting looking ingredient indeed. 

Black Bean Salad  
The Salad - (I try to keep the cuts not too much bigger than the beans & corn - for appearance & to get a little of everything in a spoonful)
2 lbs. black beans (I have a pressure cooker, but go ahead, use 2 15 oz. cans, well-rinsed.)
2 lbs. cooked sweet corn, cut from the cob (OK, you can use 2 - 15 oz. 
cans of whole kernel corn or 2 lbs. of frozen corn, drained)
8 green onions, diced 
2 cloves garlic, large, minced 
2-3 jalapeno peppers, cleaned, diced (more if you like) 
1 green Bell pepper, cleaned, diced (I also sometimes add a small sweet red pepper, for both
sweetness & colour)
1 ripe avocado, large, pitted, peeled and diced 
1 jar (4 oz) pimentos, drained 
3 tomatoes, seeded & diced 
1C fresh cilantro, chopped 
Sea salt & fresh cracked black pepper to taste 
The Dressing 
3 T fresh lime juice 
2 T fresh orange juice 
2-1/2 tsp lime zest 
1/2 tsp ground cumin 
Sea salt & fresh cracked black pepper to taste.

Directions :-
Combine all the salad ingredients in a large bowl. Season with the salt & pepper. Whisk the dressing vigorously to incorporate. Add the dressing to the salad and gently toss to combine everything. Chill until ready to serve. Lightly toss again prior to serving. 

Prepare this salad at least 4 hours prior to serving to let everything - except the avocado - marry joyfully in the bowl.  
You do want to let the avocado bathe in the lime juice of the dressing - better presentation that way, and you can store the avocado pieces in a small container. Then, pour the dressing off the avocado and mix the salad with the dressing, then dress the top of the salad with the avocado pieces at service.   

Very pretty dish & the absence of any oil seems to make all the veggies sparkle in a light citrus glow. You want this salad well chilled, but if you don't bathe the avocados in the dressing first, they will end up looking like grey lumps of pork as the air hits them.

Recipe:- 2
How Oats Help And An Oat Recipe 


Eating oats to enhance good health is not something new but has been practice through time. Oats is a very simple ingredient with far reaching positive effects and benefits.   

Oats within a diet plan provides a wide range of important health benefits which cannot be duplicated by any other food item singularly. Being a significant dietary fibre source, oats consists of soluble and half soluble fibres which help to keep blood cholesterol levels effectively under control.
Some of the areas where oats has been known to be beneficial are in improving heart conditions, regulating blood sugar levels, functioning as anti-cancer fighters, keeping blood pressure under control, maintaining regular and healthy bowel functions, helping in weight control, boosting athletic performances, and in general health and longevity.   

Oats is also a food item that is rather hardy and can be grown in poor soil conditions which is of course another plus in terms of its availability. The various processes that the oat has to be subjected to before it reaches the dining table does not cause its nutritional value to decrease rather it is able to maintain its concentrated high fiber and nutrient base. 

Oats can be a great day starter in the form of a piping bowl of oatmeal which can be more flavorful with the addition of fresh fruits, nuts or the dried fruits variety. It can also be used to make oat meal cookies which are usually a huge hit with kids and adults alike. Breads and muffins can also have the addition of healthy oats to it as with poultry stuffing too.   

Golden Honey Oat Bread Recipe  
1 1/4 cups and 2 tablespoons water, room temperature (70 to 90°F.)  
1/2 cup rolled oats or barley flakes 
1/4 cup flax seed cracked 
2 cups unbleached flour 
3/4 cup whole wheat flour 
2 tablespoons vital wheat gluten 
1 tablespoon powdered milk 
2 tablespoons honey 
1 1/8 teaspoon instant yeast 
2 1/2 tablespoons canola oil 
2 teaspoons salt 

Equipment: A 9 by 5 inch/ 7 cup bread pan, coated lightly with cooking spray. A baking stone set toward the bottom rung and a cast iron pan on the floor of the oven. 

Step 1: Make the dough (Bread Machine) In the bread machine container, combine water, oats, and cracked flax and mix to moisten. Then let sit covered for a minimum of 15 minutes. 

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, gluten, powdered milk, and yeast.  

Add the honey, and oil to the oat mixture and then the flour mixture. Mix 3 minutes and allow to rest for 20. If your bread machine always restarts with a 3-minute mix allow it to do so while adding the salt and then go into the kneading cycle for 4 minutes. If it starts with the kneading cycle also run it for 4 minutes, adding the salt at the beginning of the kneading cycle. 

Step 2: Let the dough rise Using an oiled spatula or dough scraper, scrape the dough into a 2-quart container with cover or bowl, greased lightly with cooking spray or oil. Push down the dough and lightly spray or oil the top of the dough. It will be 4 cups /943 grams/33 ounces.). Cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap. With a piece of tape, mark where double the height would be. Allow the dough to rise (ideally at 80 to 82°F/28°C) until doubled, about 1 hour, 15 min. For extra strength and elasticity, you can stretch it after the first 30 minutes. To achieve a moist and warm temperature I put a small container of very hot water—about 1 cup--under a plastic box to create a proofer and change the water every 20 to 30 minutes. (You can retard the dough overnight after the first rise by gently deflating it and refrigerating it but it seems to rise best when baked the same day. If you refrigerate it overnight, remove it to room temperature. For about an hour before shaping.  

Step 3: Shape the dough and let it rise Turn the dough onto a lightly floured counter and press it down to flatten it slightly. It will still be sticky but use only as much flour as absolutely necessary. Shape it into a log and allow it to relax covered for 20 minutes. (This is essential for an evenly shaped dough.)  

Shape the dough into a loaf set it into the prepared baking pan. It will be about 3/4 inches from the top of the pan.  

Cover the shaped dough with the plastic box or oiled plastic wrap and allow it to rise until almost doubled and when pressed gently with a finger the depression very slowly fills in. The highest point will be about 1 1/2 inches higher than the sides of the pan. Using the plastic box and hot water it takes 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 1/2 hours. At a cooler temperature it will take longer. Meantime preheat the oven for a minimum of 40 minutes.  

Step 4: Slash and bake the bread If you like the look of a bread with a slash down the middle, with a sharp knife or straight edged razor blade, make a 1/2 inch deep slash down the top of the dough. You can also leave it unslashed. Mist the dough with water, quickly but gently set the baking sheet on the hot stone or hot baking sheet and toss 1/2 cup of ice cubes into the pan beneath. Immediately shut the door, lower the temperature to 375ºF/190ºC, and bake 20 minutes. Turn the dough around, tent, and continue baking 15 to 20 minutes or until the bread is golden brown and a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. (An instant-read thermometer inserted into the centre will read about 205°F.)  

Step 5: Cool the bread Unmold the bread onto a wire rack and allow it to cool, top-side-up until barely warm.   

Recipe:- 3
How Avocados Help And An Avocado Recipe 


More and more today the world is looking to avocados as the next wholesome nutritious food replacement. Originating in Mexico and Central America it can now be found in many other countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, India, china, Japan, Peru and the list goes on.   

Ranging from being able to cure certain cancer diseases to the ideal food energy source for body builders, this remarkable fruit is fast gaining the popularity it so aptly deserves.   

A little-known fact about the avocado is that, when the avocado fruit is mixed into salads, it aids in the absorption of all the other nutrients the salad may have in a more efficient way.   

When a comparison is made with other fruits the avocado wins all the time, as the fruit that is better able to allow the nutrients to be absorbed and also for its high content of many different nutrients. 
The avocado is also considered a “meaty” fruit as the creamy like texture is rich and quite adequately makes for a good meal or an accompanying ingredient that enhances and enriches any dish.   

For those wanting to avoid certain foods for health or religious reasons the avocado is known to be a good substitute as it contains adequate amounts of meat proteins, fat oils, vitamins and minerals.

Avocado Dip,
4 avocados 
1 red onion 
1/2 bunch of cilantro 
1 ear of sweet corn 
1 pint of sweet grape tomatoes 
Juice of 1/2 lime 
2 fresh jalapeno peppers  

Remove avocado and dice in a bowl. Shuck corn and remove kernels from cob and add to avocado. Dice red onion, cilantro and jalapeno. Slice tomatoes in half. Add to mixture, season with salt and pepper. Cover with plastic wrap and store in fridge. Be sure to press plastic wrap to the surface of the dip to prevent browning. I also add the avocado seed to the bowl to help prevent browning. 

Chapter:- 4 
Healthy Meal Basics 


Ideally small amount of food intake is best but only if these amounts consists of nutritionally balanced and healthy elements.   

Exploring the various nutritional basics of each category within the food groups helps the individual to make informed choices regarding the food consumed. Upon gaining this understanding the next step would be to make the changes needed but doing so gradually would better reap positive results as opposed to drastically making the change which the body may accept for a short period of time and then reject in the long run.   

The Basics  
Finding the foods in simpler and more variety and freshness though still maintaining some of the favorite ingredients helps the body accept the new food intake with less of a shock to the system both body and mind.  

Making these changes over a period of time is also necessary if the effort is to remain continuous. Substituting certain unhealthy ingredients with healthier one while still maintain the general recipe is also recommended.  

Totally avoiding unhealthy foods is of course ideal but really quite an unrealistic pressure as it causes the individual to feel deprived and stressed, therefore a better alternative would be to wean themselves slowly off the item instead. 

Learning to eat in smaller portions also helps the individual start the journey towards healthy eating. For some cutting out certain foods may be such a difficult effort that the next best solution would be to try and cut down the portions. Also developing the habit of avoiding heavier meals towards the end of a day is also wise.

Recipe:- 5
How Salmon Helps And  A Salmon Recipe 


Consuming salmon in moderation has many health benefits, some yet to be fully explored but none the less accepted as one of the best and purest form of providing the fatty acid richness humans need. It is known to aid in the optimum health conditions that allows people to live longer and healthier lives.  

The proteins found in salmon can easily be digested and absorbed into the body’s system without causing any adverse effects that some other proteins have been known to cause. 
The proteins which are found in the salmon are referred to as amino acids and are vital to the human health as these good fats or Omega 3 fatty acids provide the necessary balance for the body. Salmon also has vitamin A, B and D, minerals, iron, phosphorus and selenium within the content makeup.   


For those having heart problems, or recovering from a heart attack, the consumption of salmon is encouraged primarily because it aids in the lowering of bad cholesterol and replacing it with good cholesterol. Salmon also helps to repair heart damage and strengthen the heart muscles. Salmon also works as a natural antidepressant and help the brain work better while improving the memory capabilities of an individual. There is even some evidence of being able to positively affect the aging process. Salmon also helps to lower the blood sugar level which is especially beneficial to those suffering from diabetes. It also contributes to a more optimum metabolic rate. Healthy hair which is bright and shiny, good skin quality and bright eyes are all the positive benefits of consuming salmon. 

Baked Salmon, 
Ingredients :-   
Fresh salmon filets (allow about 1 per person) 
1/3 cup orange juice 
2 lemons 
Garlic powder
Italian seasoning 
Fresh cilantro for garnishing

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Wash & place salmon filets skin side down into deep rectangular baking dish 
Mix 1/3 cup orange juice with the juice of one of the lemons; pour mixture over salmon filets in baking dish Season each salmon filet with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning to taste 

Cut the second lemon in half, cut one-half of lemon into slices and place slices on top of salmon filets (The second half of this lemon will be sliced and placed on salmon after it's done) 

Bake salmon filets for 15-25 minutes depending on the thickness After baking, place filets on serving dish and place slices from the second half of the lemon on top Garnish filets with cilantro.

Recipe:- 6
How Eating The Right Foods Helps Those Pounds Melt Away 


For most people losing weight is an uphill battle and one that is often lost to tears and frustration. It is very difficult to stop eating and drinking certain things that brings pleasure to the individual, thus even trying to do so, causes stress and often failure to stick to the resolution for longer durations. Therefore exploring foods that are better and healthier would perhaps be a better alternative as compared to trying to go on a diet to lose weight.

Eating Right   

There are a lot of good and delicious foods that are not only good for the body but it also has the added advantage of not causing the body to retain unwanted pounds through its consumption. There are also ways preparing foods that are less likely to cause weight retention and this too should be explored if the individual is unwilling to give up eating a certain food or ingredient. 

Simple measures can be taken without causing too much of a shock to the body system in the initial stages. These adjustments can then be increased as and when the body is ready and able to accept more deprivation.  
Drinking a lot of water and cutting out as much sweetened food items as possible is one of the first and simplest steps to take in the quest to keep the pounds off. Keeping a food diary may also help the individual to be more aware of the foods consumed, thus creating the opportunity for the individual to make the healthier choice whenever possible. Enlisting the help of professional, such as doctors, health experts, dietitians, nutritionist can also help the individual better understand and accepts the negatives and positives of the current foods being consumed and then tailor make an appropriate diet plan with healthy food contents to encourage satisfaction without the added pounds.

Eating right helps better your health as well as help you slim down if you are trying to do that. This Article has given you a good start on developing some healthy eating habits as well as some yummy recipes to get started with.  

