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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

In this article, we’ve decided to present 2 of the simplest homemade remedies that are very easy to prepare because the ingredients you prepare them from are easily available. These are a homemade recipe that is really amazing and even medical experts recommend it for people with high cholesterol levels. The remedies are full of healthy nutrients, which will help you lower the cholesterol, removes the fat from 3 zones and help your body fight against many diseases.

The recipe made of vinegar with baking soda



Mix all of the ingredients in the glass of water. Drink this in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach and you’ll soon notice great results. This recipe removes the fat from 3 zones, but while you’re taking it, you must remember to avoid sugar, white flour, processed foods and also do exercises regularly! Only that will help you achieve the best results!


Saturday, August 19, 2017

How to Get Flawless Skin Tone | Turmeric With Aloe Vera To Get Flawless Skin Tone | Flawless Skin

Today I will share an amazing face pack that will remove all spots and acne scars from your face. To prepare this you need just 2 ingredients, both of these are equally good for all skin types and being used to enhance a woman’s beauty since last many years

Ingredients that you will need:-
Turmeric powder (When you are preparing a face pack, it is better to use kasturi manajla instead of regular turmeric powder)
Aloe vera gel
Instructions to follow:-
Take 1/4th spoon of turmeric powder on your plam
Add 1/2 tsp aloe vera gel in this
Mix it well until you get smooth paste
Apply this pack on your face
LEt it dry for 5 minutes
Wash your face with plain water

It is better to do this treatment in night as because of turmeric your face might look yellow. Wash your face with face wash next morning.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Recently, a new diet called the Flat Belly Overnight eating food has been taking over the world. It is exceptionally well known among women who don’t have much time for a strict eating routine and exercising. It’s basically the latest formula that will help you lose weight while you rest! It certainly helped one lady who we’re going to present you here. She lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks by only doing one thing before going to bed!

Everything started with the famous trainer Andrew Raposo. He has been using this method on himself for a long time, but he didn’t expect it to be used by others.

Lost pounds

Everything changed when his sister lost 50 pounds using the same method he used before.
Andrew’s sister had a problem with her weight for many years.  She had tried many diets and started exercising, but none of them seemed to work.
All she thought was that physical activity and diet are the only way to lose weight, at least for some people.
But after a woman gets to a certain age of life, it is harder to achieve that. In her case that caused adverse effects on her health and she felt tired and started to suffer from insomnia.
She did everything, but she was still unable to lose fat in some particular parts of her body.  One of the most problematic areas was the big belly. That is actually the most difficult part to remove fat from.

Because of her belly fat, she even developed type 2 diabetes! That is one of the major risks which come from that alongside with danger of stroke, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Women over 40 find it harder to melt the belly fat, because of their hormonal change. The hormonal changes appear with age and make the person more likely to gain extra weight by slowing down the metabolism.
Desperate to lose the fat, even more, women start dieting with little-known facts about the effect which that diet program has on them.  We are usually told that if we exercise regularly, eat a lot of fruit and vegetable and reduce calorie intake, we will lose weight natural and health.
Regardless of that, we often suffer from negative results from that kind of programs. That is caused by the inability of the authors to present complex facts and provide proper instructions about their programs.


1 teaspoon of cinnamon 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon of honey 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 glass of water
Combining these ingredients will help you burn fat, speed up your metabolism, fight diabetes and treat hypotension (low blood pressure).
Put all ingredients in a blender and blend them well. Remove the lemon peel in case the lemon you bought is not organic. Keep the mixture in the fridge and take a spoonful every morning on an empty stomach. You’ll be amazed by the results very quickly!
Cinnamon:  This ingredient is one of the best antioxidants in the world. Cinnamon is one of the best ingredients to maintain levels of blood sugar under control. Apple Cider Vinegar:  ACV is rich in healthy bacteria and enzymes. The acid it possesses lowers your blood pressure levels for up to 6%.
Honey:  Honey has been used for centuries as a remedy for wounds and is also excellent for the skin, heart, immunity, and gynaecological problems. It possesses the ability to increase immunity, reduce a sore throat, stimulate digestion, calm your nerves and help in the process of weight loss. Lemon juice:  Although it is sour, lemon juice has an alkaline effect on the human body. It regulates the pH levels and is compatible with the balance of sugar concentrations in the blood.

The 3 Week Diet<

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits are frequently treated with pesticides and toxic chemicals, so they can actually reflect in more harm than good, but they can also affect our ability to lose weight.
Consuming more fruit and vegetable can increase the levels of leptin and cortisone and in that way reduce the fat burning hormones. So, according to this, you have fewer chances to burn fat.
As you get older, when you start reducing calorie intake, your body loses the energy sources and it slows down the metabolism.  That makes it harder to remove the belly fat.
The High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is likely to increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes type 2 and stroke.
Flat Belly Overnight is different than other weight loss programs because includes guides on how to minimise these adverse effects.
Amy Raposo, Andrew’s sister, had diabetes type 2 and a stroke. Andrew advised her to try his trick, but with a couple of changes and modification according to her needs.
She managed to lose 8 pounds in the first 24 hours! She is not a professional athlete, so Andrew thought that the changes they made will affect the real results of the trick. Amy included a 3-minute exercise per day, diet changes and started using spices and herbs.
She ate a lot of food that speeds the metabolism and short excursive stimulated the process of calorie burning. The herbs helped her body to reduce the toxins and free radicals.
After a short period of time, Amy managed to normalise her sugar and blood pressure levels. She also lost 50 pounds which are an extraordinary result! Do not hesitate to try this marvellous diet today!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The people leading a busy lifestyle tend to get sick more easily, since, due to the many responsibilities they have, they are likely to neglect both their diet and their health in general, causing the invasion of germs and bacteria.

Apart from that, the change of air, for example, in an office, or at home, is also a primary cause of a cough and common cold, but despite this, we must remember that a cold is a natural reaction of the body to an emergency, although that doesn´t change the fact that it is annoying to have that much phlegm all day long.

When we think of flu and other illnesses, it immediately comes to our mind to go to a pharmacy and buy the most advertised and most expensive medicine assuring us all the symptoms are going to disappear. However, we´re going to show you a natural remedy to remove phlegm that works even better than the chemicals, so let´s take a look at it.


One of the reasons we recommend natural remedies is because they don´t have side effects like chemical medicines do, such as irritation, vomiting, nausea, fatigue or swellings.

Since this is completely natural, we´ll be introducing only the natural and useful stuff into our body, in that way helping it 100%.

A cup of water
Two tablespoons of mullein leaves
A teaspoon of dried mint
One or two teaspoons of honey

You need to let the water boil and then add mullein leaves. Also, at the same time put the dried mint in; make sure that all the herbs stay at the bottom of the pot so that they are always submerged under water.

Leave it on for at least 15 minutes.

It´s ready to serve! If you wish, you can add natural honey to sweeten it up a bit.

Remember nature always has an answer to our problems, as in the case of phlegm and this natural remedy.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Heart attack has recently become so common that even made it to number 1 on the list of death causes. We all live stressful lives and eat all the junk food that surrounds us, so in this article, we’ve decided to present you 6 signs that your body will give you one month before a heart attack!


Changing the old life style into a healthy one as well as decreasing the levels of stress can help us achieve a good heart health, but an even better thing is if you know the symptoms of heart failure. These symptoms start appearing about a month before the heart experiences a failure.


This is one of the 6 main symptoms of heart attack. If our lungs can get as much oxygen as they need, then your heart won’t get the blood it needs to come through it. These two systems are connected and if you don’t have one, you won’t have the other, too. If you’re having some troubles breathing, visit your doctor immediately because it could mean that it is getting close to time for your attack.


Some people may experience these two symptoms right before they have a heart attack, so if you suspect on heart attack, contact your doctor immediately.


People often ignore this sign because they think it is something normal or nothing special and they don’t check themselves, but it is not normal in any case. Chest pressure is a clear sign of a heart attack. It is the most obvious of them which means that a heart attack can occur in the near future. So, the following time you feel chest pressure, visit your doctor immediately.


Weakness is another one of the 6 signs that shows that in near future you might experience a heart attack. When your arteries become narrow, they don’t allow the blood to circulate properly. That means that the muscles are not getting what they need, and this could cause you to fall. Be very careful if you start experiencing some kind of weakness and visit your doctor.


Poor circulation affects the proper blood flow to the brain, which is the most important thing for the brain to operate appropriately.


Also a very important one of the 6 signs is fatigue. If you feel tiredness and drowsiness even after you’ve been sleeping or resting for a longer period of time and that continues for days and days, it might mean that you have a loss of blood flow to your heart.
Recognizing any of these symptoms and treating them immediately is the best way of preventing heart attack. Be very careful and if you experience any of these symptoms, visit your doctor to make sure that you keep your cardiovascular health in the best shape possible!

First a few words about asthma. Caused by a thickening of the bronchial tubes, and critical respiratory inflammation asthma is health condition or disease. Asthma can cause a shortness of breath, and weakness. Usually, the causes of asthma are anticipated that when coughing and suffocation.

What happens when someone has an asthma attack: People with asthma usually are sensitive and allergic. The muscles tighten as well as the continuous increase in the production of phlegm in the throat when the lungs are irritated.  Asthma suffers have difficulties in breathing, coughing non-stop and shortness of breath.


To relieve their condition, all of the asthma patients use inhalers. The inhaler is easy, and you can carry anywhere with you. To use in a sudden attack of asthma, it is practical. Indeed, not good for health is always using inhalers. But why is that? Probably because the asthma inhalers contain chemicals, Eve on of them is a steroid.

By reducing the use of inhalers, some of the patients have cured asthma. By changing your diet, you can help yourself.

In addition to treating asthma inhaler wear healthy eating can be an alternative or other means to you. For that, you need to know which foods which to avoid and which are allowed.

Look for foods that are high in the content of vitamin C and beta-carotene. You can make carrot juice every day as a suggestion. Carrot juice is rich in vitamin C. Celery is another healthy food. Into your diet add a few stalks of celery, chlorophyll contained in the green leaves of celery, will help detoxify your liver and internal organs.

Below is the recommended dose or the portion to be consumed by people with asthma to make it easier to regulate the amount of healthy foods above

  • ·         Two apple green + 6 stalks celery + a bunch of spinach + a bunch of parsley + ¼ lemon juice
  • ·         One small glass of juice wheatgrass + squeeze of lemon juice
  • ·         ¼ pineapple + 1 fennel + 8 stalks of kale + 3 pieces of radish + ½ lemon
  • ·         ¼ cucumber pineapple + 1 + 2 + ½ capsicum bunches of watercress + ½ lemon juice
  • ·         2 cups of juice strawberry + 1 + 1 cup cranberries juice pomegranate
  • ·         1 cucumber + 2 + 3 bulbs 1/2 ripe rod lemongrass + ½ lemons

That is the recommended serving.

And to minimise asthma recur, so you should avoid some of the things below:

  • ·         The source of animal foods, such as eggs, milk, and meat
  • ·         Citrus fruit.
  • ·         Because it can cause narrowing of the bronchial tubes and cause an asthma attack sodium and monosodium glutamate.
  • ·         Vegetable oils, such as corn and flower match air, because it can cause inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • ·         Alcohol and soft drinks


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

It is a habit for the people in Japan to drink water on an empty stomach after waking up. The benefits of this have been shown in many studies. Water treatment provides benefits against many serious ailments.

The consummation of water on an empty stomach is useful against some ailments like headache, body pains, heart problems, increased heart rate, epilepsy, blood cholesterol, bronchitis, asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney ailments and urinary tract, puking, gastritis, diarrhea, diabetes, constipation, piles, eye ailments, uterus ailments, menstrual disarrays, ear diseases and problems with throat and nose.

Methods of treatment:

Immediately after waking up before washing your teeth, on an empty stomach consume 160ml of water, four times (640ml)
Brush your teeth, but don’t eat or drink anything for the next 45 minutes.
Once the 45 minutes have passed, you can eat or drink whatever you like
After having breakfast, lunch and dinner, you shouldn’t eat or drink nothing for the next two hours.

If you are old and ill and you couldn’t consume four glasses of water immediately after waking up on an empty stomach, you can start with drinking water as much as you can, and then raise the amount of water every next day until you got to the point of 640 ml of water.
This method can heal various ailments, and if you are healthy, you will gain the extra energy that is provided with the water consummation.

How many days are required for this treatment?

For increased blood pressure 30 days are required
For gastritis, 10 days are required
For diabetes are required 30 days
For constipation are needed ten days
For TB are required 90 days

If you like, you can implement this method of drinking water on an empty stomach for your whole life. It will be very beneficial for you.

Note: For the people who are suffering from arthritis should implement this method for three days during the first week, then make a break for one week and begin again with consummation water every day. You will not feel any side effects from this method, but you will visit the bathroom more often, which is good. Drink water and stay energised.
