Tuesday, November 29, 2016

In most cases, we use garlic and lemon to season our salads and other meals, but only a few are aware of the fact that their mixture can do miracles for our health.
These ingredients, when combined, can reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, boost circulation, and unclog arteries.

The increased cholesterol levels are actually a result of the accumulated LDL cholesterol in the main arteries which may cause a heart attack or other heart diseases.
These diseases can be treated with various products offered in pharmacies, but we offer an extremely effective, natural methods to fight them and experience absolutely no side-effects.
The regular consumption of garlic and lemon can boost the heart health, and improve circulation. This is the best mixture for unclogging your heart arteries, and you can prepare it and use it in two ways:
Recipe No. 1
  • 30 garlic cloves
  • 6 lemons
You should peel the garlic and lemons and cut them into pieces. Then, add them in a blender, pour some water, and blend. Pour the mixture into a pot, add 2 liters of water, and boil it with occasional stirring. You should cook it for 5 more minutes after it boils. Then, pour it into a glass jar and store it in the fridge.
You should take 50ml of this remedy daily for 3 weeks, then make a week break, and repeat for 3 more weeks. This treatment can be done twice a year.
Recipe No. 2
  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup of garlic juice
  • 1 cup of ginger juice
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
You should mix all ingredients in a pot and leave this mixture to boil for half an hour. Then, leave it to cool down, and add 3 cups of organic honey. Stir well, and pour the mixture into a glass jar, and keep it in the fridge.
You should take a tablespoon of this remedy before breakfast on a daily basis.

First of all, if you ask for an opinion  from someone who has been using this remedy, they will tell express their satisfaction  by telling you that this drink  will certainly improve your sight.
You will also notice great skin improvement. However, the most amazing effect of  this remedy is that it can colour white hairs and make your hair thicker than before.
Ingredients needed:
  • 7 oz /200 grammes of flaxseed oil
  • 4 medium sized lemons
  • 3 small cloves of garlic
  • 2.2 lbs / 1 kg of honey
Method of preparation:
Put the garlic and all the lemons in a blender and mix. Remember to peel just two of the lemons before putting them in a blender. After that, add the flaxseed oil  and honey and mix again. Place the  mixture in a glass bowl and tightly close it with a lid. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator.
How to use it:
Consume one tablespoon of the mixture half an hour before meal. Use wooden spoon only!
It is recommended to consume this mixture three times a day.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Yes, as you hear, despite their wonderful properties, various studies have shown that eating more than two of these foods at the same time, can cause discomfort in the case of adults, and, in the case of infants it can be fatal.


1. Banana and pudding.
The result of this combination creates stomach heaviness in the case of adults, as it slows your mind and increases the production of toxins, which in the case of infants can be fatal.
2. Orange with carrot.
Although this combination is very popular in places where they sell natural juices, intake of both things at once produces heartburn, excess bile reflux and heartburn, as well as damage to the renal system, which is the origin of more serious diseases.
3. Pineapple with milk.
Whether milk or yoghurt, thanks to the presence of bromelain it causes the body to become intoxicated. You feel nausea, stomach gas, headache, stomach pain and you may develop an infection or experience diarrhoea. Now imagine what that causes in babies. 
4. Papaya with lemon.
This combination makes you develop anaemia and problems with your haemoglobin (protein in your blood), avoid it at all costs and please do not risk giving it to your children.
5. Guava with banana.
Acidosis and gas are produced in the stomach so you feel nauseous and heaviness plus headache and stomach ache.
6. Orange with milk.
If you are someone who accompanies the cereal or oatmeal with orange juice stop it! Orange makes your stomach unable to process the starches present in the cereal. In addition, when orange juice and milk are mixed in the stomach it is difficult to digest, especially in the case of children. 
7. Vegetables and fruits.
Since fruits have more sugar, vegetable cannot be digested properly, so by staying in your stomach, the fruit ferments and produces more toxins, causing various diseases and ailments such as headache, stomach pain, diarrhoea and severe infections.
Remember that fruits can be mixed only with their own kind. Here are some suggestions and groups are divided:
• Sweet: Those that do not contain acids. Some fruits of the group are peach, plum, banana, apple, watermelon and cantaloupe.
• Acid: As the name implies, these fruits are rich in citric acid, as an example are grapefruit, orange, lemon, blueberries, kiwi, grapes and pineapple. 
• Semi – acid: The presence of acid is low, we can mention green apple, mango, raspberry and strawberry.
• Neutral: Those that have more protein, vitamins, salts and oils. Good examples are avocado, coconut, peanuts, almonds and walnuts. 
For any doubt consult the nutritionist, or paediatrician.
Eating healthy is not a luxury but a necessity.
Source: http://www.myhealthytraining.com/

At a time when there were no modern medicine, women used natural remedies to treat a variety of diseases, both to improve health and physical well being. One of the plants that was used often is Lady’s mantle, which has helped many women.
Lady’s mantle is a plant that contains a lot of tannin that gives it astringent properties. This feature also makes Lady’s mantle very useful for bleeding wounds, intestinal problems and health problems of many women.

Although there is a lot of research on the use of the Lady’s mantle as a treatment for women’s health, studies have shown that its anti-inflammatory properties are very efficient and should be included in further pharmaceutical research.


The dried leaves and flowers can be made into teas and extracts.
The experts say that you should drink Lady’s mantles tea every day, because it can help you with: menstrual pain and heavy outflows, menopause, conception, external vaginal itching and excessive discharge.
How to Grow Lady’s Mantle
Though it can be difficult to find in herb stores, it is an easy plant to grow, and deserves a place in every woman’s garden both for its beauty and usefulness. The whole herb is gathered in June and July when in flower and when the leaves are at their best, and dried. The root, when employed may be fresh.
Lady’s mantle has been used topically and internally, as a treatment for wounds, gastrointestinal complaints, and female ailments. Its tannin content appears to justify astringent and antidiarrheal uses. It may protect conjunctive and elastic tissues and possibly be useful as an antioxidant.
Lady’s Mantle Side Effects: None noted
In a world obsessed with being skinny, lady’s mantle comes as a breath of fresh air. It can help boost appetite, alleviate stomach ache and also ease indigestion. If you are a diabetic, you can use the herb to combat circulatory issues you may be facing.
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Nowadays, the estimated number of people suffering from pneumonia is more than 3 million annually. It is actually an inflammation of the tissue in the lungs or only one of them and is often caused by an infection due to bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

Prior to the discovery of the antibiotics, one-third of all sufferers of this disease ended up dead.  Today, most of the patients recover, but 5% still die, making pneumonia the 6th major death cause in the world.
The most common cause of this condition is streptococcus pneumonia, which leads to symptoms like shaking chills, fever, and rust-colored mucus. This infection spreads to the blood in 20 to 30 percent of the cases, causing sepsis, with 20-30% mortality rate.

The treatment of pneumonia most commonly involves penicillin, amoxicillin, clavulanic acid or Augmentin, and macrolide antibiotics, such as erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin.
Yet, the common and widespread of antibiotics has led to a huge drug resistance. Therefore, it is suggested that the patient tests the sensitivity to the antibiotic before it is being used.
On the other hand, oregano oil has been used in the treatment of dysentery, respiratory infections, jaundice, chronic inflammation, and urinary tract infection in the Middle East and its potent antibacterial properties have been confirmed by many studies.
Additionally, this oil is rich in minerals like copper, zinc, boron, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. Research has shown that it is absolutely safe for human use, even when paired with antibiotics to treat infections.
It effectively prevents flu and colds. All you need to do is to take 3 drops daily of this oil in some drink, for instance, in a cup of orange juice. This treatment should not last for more than 5 days, after which the symptoms will be entirely treated.
Baking soda is another effective pneumonia treatment, as it neutralizes acids and breaks down proteins. It also regulates and maintains the pH balance of the blood.
The alkaline environment can attract hydrogen ions, in contrary to the acidic one. The more alkaline the body is, the stronger the immune system is to fight bacteria.
Increasing the pH levels if of high importance, therefore, as the body will be able to combat pathogens like bacteria and viruses, which cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and colds.
You should combine sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate to alkalize the environment and treat respiratory infections, sore throat, and a runny nose.
Furthermore, you can mix some water and 2 drops of liquid sodium bicarbonate in a spray bottle and use it 2-3 times daily to reverse sinusitis, asthma, and pneumonia.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The extra stubborn fat around the stomach is almost usually a result of the lazy bowel syndrome. Fatty deposits build up in the stomach and slow down the detoxification of the body. Therefore, nutritionists suggest a drink that should be solution to this problem. 

– 125 g of horseradish
– 3 lemons (before use, place them in a container filled with water and a tablespoon of vinegar for 10 minutes to wash away pesticides)
– 3 tablespoons honey

In a blender add 125 grams of horseradish and blend it well. Cut the lemons (unpeeled), remove the seeds, and add them in the blender. Mix everything together until you get a smooth consistency. Then, add three tablespoons of honey and mix everything well.
Keep this drink in a sealed jar in the fridge.
Take one teaspoon of this balm twice a day with meals for 3 weeks. 
Why is horseradish good for the health and his health benefits?   
Horseradish roots and leaves have been well known to bring health benefits for hundreds of years. Horseradish contains more than 10-fold higher glucosinolates than broccoli, so you do not need much horseradish to benefit. In fact, a little dab on your steak will go a long way to providing important health benefits.
Why is lemon good for the health and his health benefits?   
The lemon peel contains the potent phytonutrient tangeretin, which has been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease. Lemon is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants can help the immune system battle germs that cause a cold or flu. Maintaining a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables is especially important during the winter months when physical activity levels tend to drop.
Why is honey good for the health and his health benefits?   
Honey is a sweet liquid produced by honey bees using nectar from flowers through a process of regurgitation and evaporation. Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.
source :- www.naturalmedicinebox.net

Friday, November 4, 2016

To really see best results from any diet plan you choose to use, you need to learn a few ‘diet commandments’. These are guidelines that must be followed if you are going to see superior results that will help propel you forward.

Sadly, many people miss out on one or more of these and it greatly costs them their success.
Want to learn more? Check out the list of five commandments below.

The 3 week diet | How to lose weight at home without exercise | Is it a scam?
Thou Shall Eat More Protein
Of all the foods that you could eat while on a fat loss diet, protein is perhaps the most important. Protein helps combat hunger, it helps stabilise blood glucose levels, and it helps prevent lean muscle mass loss. This in turn helps speed up your metabolism and accelerates the process of fat loss.
Don’t let your diet intake fall short. Aim to eat some protein in each and every meal and snack that you consume.

Thou Shall Eat Regularly
While the concept that your metabolism will increase the more often you eat isn’t entirely accurate — as the boost you get after a meal is directly related to the size of that meal — eating regularly does help to keep hunger at bay.
By feeding your body frequently throughout the day, you’ll help avoid food cravings, energy lows, and make it that much easier to stick to your diet program.

Thou Shall Prioritize Fresh Foods
When selecting your foods, eating fresh is a must. We live in a world where processed foods are around every corner and just waiting to cause us weight gain.
Eliminate these and you’ll really give your diet a boost. Focus on foods in their natural state — fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and oils, and lean proteins.
If you only make one change to your diet plan, make it this one.

Thou Shall Set Short Term Goals
One diet rule that you should abide by and follow is to always set short-term goals for yourself. Think about what you are doing in the here and now, not months from now. It’s too easy to lose sight of your goals if they are going to take place six months to a year down the road.
Try thinking in three-week segments. Three weeks is about how long it takes for good habits to form, so is the perfect amount of time to you build behaviours that will stand the test of time.
This is precisely why The 3 Week Diet was created. It will help you stay motivated and consistent until you don’t even have to think about making those changes any longer — They’ll just be automatic.

 The 3 week diet | How to lose weight at home without exercise | Is it a scam?

Thou Shall Stop Comparisons
Finally, stop comparing yourself to others. Realise that this is your own journey and your own body. It’s unlike anyone else’s so you simply can’t expect to see the same results as everyone else.
Instead, start comparing yourself today to yourself from yesterday. That will give you all the details you need to know. If each day you are getting better, you are successful in your journey.
So keep these diet commandments in mind. Focus on these and you can feel confident that you are headed in the right direction.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Medical experts predict that in the US there will be 1.7 million new patients diagnosed with cancer and that is really one sad information.
Modern medicine is constantly looking for finding new cures and treatments for this modern plague and recent discoveries declare that one vitamin has connection with one kind of cure.

It all about vitamin D. The statistic data show that almost 70% of American children do not consume enough vitamin D and 75% of adult Americans do not get enough of this vitamin daily.
Vitamin D is very important and beneficial for the human body and helps in preventing many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.

The daily intake of this vitamin is really very important for health and the most common signs of deficiency are:
  • Pain in bones
  • Chronicle diseases
  • Muscle weakness
  • Depression
  • Sweating
  • Heavy asthma
  • Connive damage particularly in elderly
In 2008 one group of researchers from Norway made study with 440 participants with excessive weight. The researchers found out that to those who was given 20 000 and 40 000 IUS vitamin D weekly showed less amount of depression symptoms beside the ones who do not consume it. 
Many other studies prove the connection of vitamin D and its effectiveness in prevention of cancer. In a study done in 2007, women who were in menopause received certain dose of vitamin D and after 4 years the results showed drastically reduce in the risks of all cancers.
Vitamin D has the power to absorb calcium and protect the bone health. It also helps in cardiovascular system, immune system and other important functions to improve.
Many medical experts and doctors say that the recommended daily intake of this important vitamin is adjustable.
For infants from 0-12 months the dose should be 1000 IU daily and for those aged from 1 to 50 years it should be 600 IU daily.
The intake should be best through diet and products like milk, oily fish, tuna, mushrooms, yogurt and orange juice are having it. Spending time in front of the sun is also one good option for receiving it.
When you use the oral supplements of intake, it takes at least 2-3 months to be established in the appropriate level of the body.
source: healthyfoodstar.com
