Sunday, December 11, 2016

The people leading a busy lifestyle tend to get sick more easily, since, due to the many responsibilities they have, they are likely to neglect both their diet and their health in general, causing the invasion of germs and bacteria.

Apart from that, the change of air, for example, in an office, or at home, is also a primary cause of a cough and common cold, but despite this, we must remember that a cold is a natural reaction of the body to an emergency, although that doesn´t change the fact that it is annoying to have that much phlegm all day long.

When we think of flu and other illnesses, it immediately comes to our mind to go to a pharmacy and buy the most advertised and most expensive medicine assuring us all the symptoms are going to disappear. However, we´re going to show you a natural remedy to remove phlegm that works even better than the chemicals, so let´s take a look at it.


One of the reasons we recommend natural remedies is because they don´t have side effects like chemical medicines do, such as irritation, vomiting, nausea, fatigue or swellings.

Since this is completely natural, we´ll be introducing only the natural and useful stuff into our body, in that way helping it 100%.

A cup of water
Two tablespoons of mullein leaves
A teaspoon of dried mint
One or two teaspoons of honey

You need to let the water boil and then add mullein leaves. Also, at the same time put the dried mint in; make sure that all the herbs stay at the bottom of the pot so that they are always submerged under water.

Leave it on for at least 15 minutes.

It´s ready to serve! If you wish, you can add natural honey to sweeten it up a bit.

Remember nature always has an answer to our problems, as in the case of phlegm and this natural remedy.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Heart attack has recently become so common that even made it to number 1 on the list of death causes. We all live stressful lives and eat all the junk food that surrounds us, so in this article, we’ve decided to present you 6 signs that your body will give you one month before a heart attack!


Changing the old life style into a healthy one as well as decreasing the levels of stress can help us achieve a good heart health, but an even better thing is if you know the symptoms of heart failure. These symptoms start appearing about a month before the heart experiences a failure.


This is one of the 6 main symptoms of heart attack. If our lungs can get as much oxygen as they need, then your heart won’t get the blood it needs to come through it. These two systems are connected and if you don’t have one, you won’t have the other, too. If you’re having some troubles breathing, visit your doctor immediately because it could mean that it is getting close to time for your attack.


Some people may experience these two symptoms right before they have a heart attack, so if you suspect on heart attack, contact your doctor immediately.


People often ignore this sign because they think it is something normal or nothing special and they don’t check themselves, but it is not normal in any case. Chest pressure is a clear sign of a heart attack. It is the most obvious of them which means that a heart attack can occur in the near future. So, the following time you feel chest pressure, visit your doctor immediately.


Weakness is another one of the 6 signs that shows that in near future you might experience a heart attack. When your arteries become narrow, they don’t allow the blood to circulate properly. That means that the muscles are not getting what they need, and this could cause you to fall. Be very careful if you start experiencing some kind of weakness and visit your doctor.


Poor circulation affects the proper blood flow to the brain, which is the most important thing for the brain to operate appropriately.


Also a very important one of the 6 signs is fatigue. If you feel tiredness and drowsiness even after you’ve been sleeping or resting for a longer period of time and that continues for days and days, it might mean that you have a loss of blood flow to your heart.
Recognizing any of these symptoms and treating them immediately is the best way of preventing heart attack. Be very careful and if you experience any of these symptoms, visit your doctor to make sure that you keep your cardiovascular health in the best shape possible!

First a few words about asthma. Caused by a thickening of the bronchial tubes, and critical respiratory inflammation asthma is health condition or disease. Asthma can cause a shortness of breath, and weakness. Usually, the causes of asthma are anticipated that when coughing and suffocation.

What happens when someone has an asthma attack: People with asthma usually are sensitive and allergic. The muscles tighten as well as the continuous increase in the production of phlegm in the throat when the lungs are irritated.  Asthma suffers have difficulties in breathing, coughing non-stop and shortness of breath.


To relieve their condition, all of the asthma patients use inhalers. The inhaler is easy, and you can carry anywhere with you. To use in a sudden attack of asthma, it is practical. Indeed, not good for health is always using inhalers. But why is that? Probably because the asthma inhalers contain chemicals, Eve on of them is a steroid.

By reducing the use of inhalers, some of the patients have cured asthma. By changing your diet, you can help yourself.

In addition to treating asthma inhaler wear healthy eating can be an alternative or other means to you. For that, you need to know which foods which to avoid and which are allowed.

Look for foods that are high in the content of vitamin C and beta-carotene. You can make carrot juice every day as a suggestion. Carrot juice is rich in vitamin C. Celery is another healthy food. Into your diet add a few stalks of celery, chlorophyll contained in the green leaves of celery, will help detoxify your liver and internal organs.

Below is the recommended dose or the portion to be consumed by people with asthma to make it easier to regulate the amount of healthy foods above

  • ·         Two apple green + 6 stalks celery + a bunch of spinach + a bunch of parsley + ¼ lemon juice
  • ·         One small glass of juice wheatgrass + squeeze of lemon juice
  • ·         ¼ pineapple + 1 fennel + 8 stalks of kale + 3 pieces of radish + ½ lemon
  • ·         ¼ cucumber pineapple + 1 + 2 + ½ capsicum bunches of watercress + ½ lemon juice
  • ·         2 cups of juice strawberry + 1 + 1 cup cranberries juice pomegranate
  • ·         1 cucumber + 2 + 3 bulbs 1/2 ripe rod lemongrass + ½ lemons

That is the recommended serving.

And to minimise asthma recur, so you should avoid some of the things below:

  • ·         The source of animal foods, such as eggs, milk, and meat
  • ·         Citrus fruit.
  • ·         Because it can cause narrowing of the bronchial tubes and cause an asthma attack sodium and monosodium glutamate.
  • ·         Vegetable oils, such as corn and flower match air, because it can cause inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • ·         Alcohol and soft drinks


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

It is a habit for the people in Japan to drink water on an empty stomach after waking up. The benefits of this have been shown in many studies. Water treatment provides benefits against many serious ailments.

The consummation of water on an empty stomach is useful against some ailments like headache, body pains, heart problems, increased heart rate, epilepsy, blood cholesterol, bronchitis, asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney ailments and urinary tract, puking, gastritis, diarrhea, diabetes, constipation, piles, eye ailments, uterus ailments, menstrual disarrays, ear diseases and problems with throat and nose.

Methods of treatment:

Immediately after waking up before washing your teeth, on an empty stomach consume 160ml of water, four times (640ml)
Brush your teeth, but don’t eat or drink anything for the next 45 minutes.
Once the 45 minutes have passed, you can eat or drink whatever you like
After having breakfast, lunch and dinner, you shouldn’t eat or drink nothing for the next two hours.

If you are old and ill and you couldn’t consume four glasses of water immediately after waking up on an empty stomach, you can start with drinking water as much as you can, and then raise the amount of water every next day until you got to the point of 640 ml of water.
This method can heal various ailments, and if you are healthy, you will gain the extra energy that is provided with the water consummation.

How many days are required for this treatment?

For increased blood pressure 30 days are required
For gastritis, 10 days are required
For diabetes are required 30 days
For constipation are needed ten days
For TB are required 90 days

If you like, you can implement this method of drinking water on an empty stomach for your whole life. It will be very beneficial for you.

Note: For the people who are suffering from arthritis should implement this method for three days during the first week, then make a break for one week and begin again with consummation water every day. You will not feel any side effects from this method, but you will visit the bathroom more often, which is good. Drink water and stay energised.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

People nowadays really care about their body weight. Women especially dream of losing weight quickly and effectively, but we often hear or see that they didn’t acquire the desired results. Body fat is something that is very difficult to get burned.
Luckily for us, nature always has a way of helping us with its ingredients! There are some natural ingredients that can help us lose weight and melt the body fat without any special sacrifices.
Here, we’ll show you how to lose weight easily! Take a look at our recipe!


  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 250 ml of water


Just mix the boiling water with cinnamon, tap it and let it cool down.
Add the honey into the drink after it has cooled down so that you can preserve its properties. Never add honey into boiling or very hot drinks!

How to take this drink? 

Drink a half of it just before going to sleep, and the other half in the morning when you wake up, on an empty stomach.
You’ll notice that you’ve lost fat and your body fat has started to melt in only 7 days! Share the surprising results with friends who also want to burn their body fat and continue using the remedy until you’re satisfied with the final result!
ame> Loss

The food we consume has a huge impact on our overall health, so we need to extra cautious about what we eat.  We should make healthier food choices, avoid foods rich in chemicals, as well as too much sugar, cholesterol, or fat.
However, there is another threat coming, as apparently, plastic rice is the newest Chinese trend!
This fake rice is being made of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and a synthetic resin, or plastic. The mixture of these ingredients forms grains which are similar to rice.
Therefore, you need to know how to recognise it, and the following tips will help you:
  1. The fake rice will form a thick layer on top of the water when cooking.
  2. Real rice will sink in a glass of water, while this fake one will float.
  3. This fake rice will burn like plastic, and the flame will emit a plastic aroma.
  4. If the cooker rice moulds when put on the counter for a few days, it is not fake, as the fake rice does not form mould.
The following video will give you the opportunity to see the results of these tests in action:


Not many of you are aware of the fact that the oral health significantly affects your overall health. Dental hygiene is of high importance as a healthy mouth can prevent infections from entering the body.
Furthermore, studies have shown that plaque build-up causes an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and poorly managed diabetes.

However, commercial toothpastes are not the best solution to maintain oral hygiene as they are loaded with plastic and dangerous chemicals, such as triclosan, sodium lauryl sulphate, fluoride, propylene glycol, diethanolamine, and artificial sweeteners.
On the other hand, the following paste which consists coconut oil, peppermint, and turmeric, provides magnificent effects and does not contain any chemical or toxic ingredients!
Coconut oil has powerful antibacterial properties, treats inflammation, and fights bacteria.
Turmeric is rich in antioxidants and has potent anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. It effectively treats common dental issues such as gum disease.
Coconut oil and turmeric can also help you whiten your teeth and give them a natural sparkly shine.
This is how to prepare this completely natural paste:
  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
  • 1-2 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon or 2 Capsules Turmeric
You should mix the ingredients to prepare the paste, and use it to brush your teeth as normally.Use it daily and smile!
Sources and References:
Video source: Healthy Lifestyle Hacks 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

In most cases, we use garlic and lemon to season our salads and other meals, but only a few are aware of the fact that their mixture can do miracles for our health.
These ingredients, when combined, can reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, boost circulation, and unclog arteries.

The increased cholesterol levels are actually a result of the accumulated LDL cholesterol in the main arteries which may cause a heart attack or other heart diseases.
These diseases can be treated with various products offered in pharmacies, but we offer an extremely effective, natural methods to fight them and experience absolutely no side-effects.
The regular consumption of garlic and lemon can boost the heart health, and improve circulation. This is the best mixture for unclogging your heart arteries, and you can prepare it and use it in two ways:
Recipe No. 1
  • 30 garlic cloves
  • 6 lemons
You should peel the garlic and lemons and cut them into pieces. Then, add them in a blender, pour some water, and blend. Pour the mixture into a pot, add 2 liters of water, and boil it with occasional stirring. You should cook it for 5 more minutes after it boils. Then, pour it into a glass jar and store it in the fridge.
You should take 50ml of this remedy daily for 3 weeks, then make a week break, and repeat for 3 more weeks. This treatment can be done twice a year.
Recipe No. 2
  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup of garlic juice
  • 1 cup of ginger juice
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
You should mix all ingredients in a pot and leave this mixture to boil for half an hour. Then, leave it to cool down, and add 3 cups of organic honey. Stir well, and pour the mixture into a glass jar, and keep it in the fridge.
You should take a tablespoon of this remedy before breakfast on a daily basis.

First of all, if you ask for an opinion  from someone who has been using this remedy, they will tell express their satisfaction  by telling you that this drink  will certainly improve your sight.
You will also notice great skin improvement. However, the most amazing effect of  this remedy is that it can colour white hairs and make your hair thicker than before.
Ingredients needed:
  • 7 oz /200 grammes of flaxseed oil
  • 4 medium sized lemons
  • 3 small cloves of garlic
  • 2.2 lbs / 1 kg of honey
Method of preparation:
Put the garlic and all the lemons in a blender and mix. Remember to peel just two of the lemons before putting them in a blender. After that, add the flaxseed oil  and honey and mix again. Place the  mixture in a glass bowl and tightly close it with a lid. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator.
How to use it:
Consume one tablespoon of the mixture half an hour before meal. Use wooden spoon only!
It is recommended to consume this mixture three times a day.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Yes, as you hear, despite their wonderful properties, various studies have shown that eating more than two of these foods at the same time, can cause discomfort in the case of adults, and, in the case of infants it can be fatal.


1. Banana and pudding.
The result of this combination creates stomach heaviness in the case of adults, as it slows your mind and increases the production of toxins, which in the case of infants can be fatal.
2. Orange with carrot.
Although this combination is very popular in places where they sell natural juices, intake of both things at once produces heartburn, excess bile reflux and heartburn, as well as damage to the renal system, which is the origin of more serious diseases.
3. Pineapple with milk.
Whether milk or yoghurt, thanks to the presence of bromelain it causes the body to become intoxicated. You feel nausea, stomach gas, headache, stomach pain and you may develop an infection or experience diarrhoea. Now imagine what that causes in babies. 
4. Papaya with lemon.
This combination makes you develop anaemia and problems with your haemoglobin (protein in your blood), avoid it at all costs and please do not risk giving it to your children.
5. Guava with banana.
Acidosis and gas are produced in the stomach so you feel nauseous and heaviness plus headache and stomach ache.
6. Orange with milk.
If you are someone who accompanies the cereal or oatmeal with orange juice stop it! Orange makes your stomach unable to process the starches present in the cereal. In addition, when orange juice and milk are mixed in the stomach it is difficult to digest, especially in the case of children. 
7. Vegetables and fruits.
Since fruits have more sugar, vegetable cannot be digested properly, so by staying in your stomach, the fruit ferments and produces more toxins, causing various diseases and ailments such as headache, stomach pain, diarrhoea and severe infections.
Remember that fruits can be mixed only with their own kind. Here are some suggestions and groups are divided:
• Sweet: Those that do not contain acids. Some fruits of the group are peach, plum, banana, apple, watermelon and cantaloupe.
• Acid: As the name implies, these fruits are rich in citric acid, as an example are grapefruit, orange, lemon, blueberries, kiwi, grapes and pineapple. 
• Semi – acid: The presence of acid is low, we can mention green apple, mango, raspberry and strawberry.
• Neutral: Those that have more protein, vitamins, salts and oils. Good examples are avocado, coconut, peanuts, almonds and walnuts. 
For any doubt consult the nutritionist, or paediatrician.
Eating healthy is not a luxury but a necessity.

At a time when there were no modern medicine, women used natural remedies to treat a variety of diseases, both to improve health and physical well being. One of the plants that was used often is Lady’s mantle, which has helped many women.
Lady’s mantle is a plant that contains a lot of tannin that gives it astringent properties. This feature also makes Lady’s mantle very useful for bleeding wounds, intestinal problems and health problems of many women.

Although there is a lot of research on the use of the Lady’s mantle as a treatment for women’s health, studies have shown that its anti-inflammatory properties are very efficient and should be included in further pharmaceutical research.


The dried leaves and flowers can be made into teas and extracts.
The experts say that you should drink Lady’s mantles tea every day, because it can help you with: menstrual pain and heavy outflows, menopause, conception, external vaginal itching and excessive discharge.
How to Grow Lady’s Mantle
Though it can be difficult to find in herb stores, it is an easy plant to grow, and deserves a place in every woman’s garden both for its beauty and usefulness. The whole herb is gathered in June and July when in flower and when the leaves are at their best, and dried. The root, when employed may be fresh.
Lady’s mantle has been used topically and internally, as a treatment for wounds, gastrointestinal complaints, and female ailments. Its tannin content appears to justify astringent and antidiarrheal uses. It may protect conjunctive and elastic tissues and possibly be useful as an antioxidant.
Lady’s Mantle Side Effects: None noted
In a world obsessed with being skinny, lady’s mantle comes as a breath of fresh air. It can help boost appetite, alleviate stomach ache and also ease indigestion. If you are a diabetic, you can use the herb to combat circulatory issues you may be facing.
If you liked this article, share it with your friends and family.

Nowadays, the estimated number of people suffering from pneumonia is more than 3 million annually. It is actually an inflammation of the tissue in the lungs or only one of them and is often caused by an infection due to bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

Prior to the discovery of the antibiotics, one-third of all sufferers of this disease ended up dead.  Today, most of the patients recover, but 5% still die, making pneumonia the 6th major death cause in the world.
The most common cause of this condition is streptococcus pneumonia, which leads to symptoms like shaking chills, fever, and rust-colored mucus. This infection spreads to the blood in 20 to 30 percent of the cases, causing sepsis, with 20-30% mortality rate.

The treatment of pneumonia most commonly involves penicillin, amoxicillin, clavulanic acid or Augmentin, and macrolide antibiotics, such as erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin.
Yet, the common and widespread of antibiotics has led to a huge drug resistance. Therefore, it is suggested that the patient tests the sensitivity to the antibiotic before it is being used.
On the other hand, oregano oil has been used in the treatment of dysentery, respiratory infections, jaundice, chronic inflammation, and urinary tract infection in the Middle East and its potent antibacterial properties have been confirmed by many studies.
Additionally, this oil is rich in minerals like copper, zinc, boron, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. Research has shown that it is absolutely safe for human use, even when paired with antibiotics to treat infections.
It effectively prevents flu and colds. All you need to do is to take 3 drops daily of this oil in some drink, for instance, in a cup of orange juice. This treatment should not last for more than 5 days, after which the symptoms will be entirely treated.
Baking soda is another effective pneumonia treatment, as it neutralizes acids and breaks down proteins. It also regulates and maintains the pH balance of the blood.
The alkaline environment can attract hydrogen ions, in contrary to the acidic one. The more alkaline the body is, the stronger the immune system is to fight bacteria.
Increasing the pH levels if of high importance, therefore, as the body will be able to combat pathogens like bacteria and viruses, which cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and colds.
You should combine sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate to alkalize the environment and treat respiratory infections, sore throat, and a runny nose.
Furthermore, you can mix some water and 2 drops of liquid sodium bicarbonate in a spray bottle and use it 2-3 times daily to reverse sinusitis, asthma, and pneumonia.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The extra stubborn fat around the stomach is almost usually a result of the lazy bowel syndrome. Fatty deposits build up in the stomach and slow down the detoxification of the body. Therefore, nutritionists suggest a drink that should be solution to this problem. 

– 125 g of horseradish
– 3 lemons (before use, place them in a container filled with water and a tablespoon of vinegar for 10 minutes to wash away pesticides)
– 3 tablespoons honey

In a blender add 125 grams of horseradish and blend it well. Cut the lemons (unpeeled), remove the seeds, and add them in the blender. Mix everything together until you get a smooth consistency. Then, add three tablespoons of honey and mix everything well.
Keep this drink in a sealed jar in the fridge.
Take one teaspoon of this balm twice a day with meals for 3 weeks. 
Why is horseradish good for the health and his health benefits?   
Horseradish roots and leaves have been well known to bring health benefits for hundreds of years. Horseradish contains more than 10-fold higher glucosinolates than broccoli, so you do not need much horseradish to benefit. In fact, a little dab on your steak will go a long way to providing important health benefits.
Why is lemon good for the health and his health benefits?   
The lemon peel contains the potent phytonutrient tangeretin, which has been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease. Lemon is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants can help the immune system battle germs that cause a cold or flu. Maintaining a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables is especially important during the winter months when physical activity levels tend to drop.
Why is honey good for the health and his health benefits?   
Honey is a sweet liquid produced by honey bees using nectar from flowers through a process of regurgitation and evaporation. Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.
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